You may prefer to use another grain or combination of grains for your pancakes depending on your familiies preference. I opt for the Ezekiel since the combination of grains and beans makes a complete protein and they taste fantastic!
Here's a close up view of the Ezekiel grains before milling into flour:

Recipe for Ezekiel Pancakes:
(adapted from Bread Beckers Recipe Collection)
3 cups freshly milled Ezekiel flour
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
2 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/3 cup oil
4 eggs
3-4 cups buttermilk*
Mix together dry ingredients. Add liquids. Stir just until mixed. Fry on hot oiled griddle. To make a lighter pancake you may separate the eggs and whip the egg whites and fold in the batter gently.
Waffles: Increase oil to 1/2 cup.
*I never keep buttermilk on hand and instead use the substitution trick of vinegar to sour my milk. For each cup of buttermilk, use 1 Tbsp. of vinegar and then fill the milk to the one cup line. Allow to sit for about 5 min. before incorporating. Most people use white vinegar, however, I love the health benefits of raw apple cider vinegar and have found it doesn't affect the taste at all, while adding another hidden nutritional boost! Whole Foods and most natural food stores will carry Bragg's brand.
This recipe makes plenty and we usually have enough left over to have for breakfast for a few mornings.